"Given that one of the key requests was for a neat space, the design language of the formal pattern is my inspiration for this design. It's an ancient methodology that still informs the layout of many modern gardens. In this instance I have used the geometric organisation of the house facade.
The old garden sloped towards the house and so the new design offers an opportunity to play with level changes. Whilst this adds interest to the design, it does require careful consideration in calculating levels, and how rainwater will move and be captured.
To support the sense of formality, the materials for the hard landscaping are restricted to three textures which are used throughout the space in varying combinations and in a warm colour palette.
As the clients are keen gardeners, I could extend the range of plants I would normally use for a front garden, and use some that are a little more 'relaxed' in order to soften the strong layout. You might spot some that are a little too relaxed and have been supported - that's the thing about plants, they don't behave in the same way in every garden!"